Maintain your lawn with these simple tips
A good, well kept lawn is something most people love. Kids enjoy playing in them, adults love entertaining or relaxing in them, and they really can be a source of joy. With spring on the horizon taking care of your lawn should soon become a priority. Without regular care and attention it’s easy for lawns to appear untidy, and after few weeks of neglect the situation can quickly get out of hand. Maintaining a lawn all spring and summer requires constant love, care and attention. |
Whether you have grown the lawn yourself, or had a landscaper lay the turf, you’ll want to keep your lawn in good condition throughout the summer months. If you’ve invested time and money creating a lawn, no doubt you’ll want it in pristine condition and too help you do this we’ve put together some of our top tips.
The most important part of lawn care is the trim. Most people think that lawns should only be cut when the turf appears overgrown, however the opposite is true. Your lawn will stay in better shape if your cut it often and regularly. A regular cut deters weeds and unsightly plants, while keeping the lawn thick and healthy. Trim your lawn once a week in early spring, and twice a week at the height of summer. If the weather is drier trim once every 2-3 weeks and as hard as it maybe, avoid using feeds, or the sprinkler during this period.
It’s no secret a healthy lawn requires constant feeding. Regular feeding allows the lawn to develop strong side shoots, and these help it repel the threat of weeds. Frequent feeding will make your lawn appear greener and thicker, protecting it from weeds and moss.
Not all weeds are bad for your lawn and it’s a good idea to allow some to grow but obviously in very small quantities. If a single weed or small patch needs to be removed, you can either remove it by hand or use a daisy grubber or a similar tool.
Avoid using chemicals on your lawn where possible. Pesticides, insecticides and fungicides are notorious for killing off living organisms which help keep your lawn healthy.
Patch Repair
Repairing patches in your lawn is critical part of its maintenance. Patches can appear if you’ve consistently recently raked an area causing the turf to wear out. There are two ways to repair a patch. You can either sow the patch sprinkling some extra seed mix in the affected area, or you can cut out the affected patch out, add extra topsoil and the replace the turf.
Maintaining your lawn during the summer months requires a lot of effort, so hopefully the tips above will steer you in the right direction.
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